2014 New Member Night
New Member Night Draws Big Crowd
On July 25th, the Cincinnati Chess Club held its annual New Member Night where we welcome in anyone who's interested for a night of chess and food, all free of charge. This year we had a packed house, with many of our regular members showing up along with a whole bunch of new players. Duane and his team out on the grill kept the hot dogs and hamburgers coming in as fast as they could, but each round was gone as quick as it came off the grill. Several of our friends came down from Columbus for the evening to share in the festivities (and they even brought chess piece shaped cookies to share!). By the end of the night we had 5 new members join us and several members come back to renew their memberships for another year, along with strong support through donations and profits from our book auction. The evening was a lot of fun, and a great success.
The CCC was honored to have guest visitors who drove in from Columbus: Evan Shelton and Eric Gittrich. Evan is the President of the Ohio Chess Association (OCA). Eric, is a trustee along with our own club President, Duane Larkin. They were here to support our event and promote the OCA, and both were impressed with how much our club has grown compared to last year. Evan and Eric are pictured below holding up a copy of the OHIO CHESS BULLETIN on which they are featured on the front cover.